Providence Health Plan

Broadway Medical Clinic strives to provide quality care and service. We believe best healthcare outcomes are achieved when there is an established long term patient-physician relationship.

Several of our patients who have insurance through Providence Health Plan have notified us their plan with Providence was discontinued. They needed to select another plan and selected a Providence Connect plan. They were unaware Providence Health Plan did not contract with Broadway Medical Clinic for the Connect products and now are being told they need to select another primary care physician at a Providence Clinic.

The Providence Connect plans were designed as a “closed” network which only allow patients to be seen by Providence employed physicians. Broadway Medical Clinic would participate if the plan was offered to us. Providence may allow patients who selected a Connect Plan to switch to one of the Choice plans. You will be able to keep your Broadway Medical Clinic physician under a choice plan.

If you desire to keep your primary care physician at Broadway Medical Clinic, Providence may allow you to switch back to a Choice plan. To do this, please contact Providence Health Plan office at 503-574-7500. One of the customer service staff members can assist you with selecting a Choice plan. Another option is for you to continue to see your Broadway Medical Clinic physician and pay out of pocket for all services. You would pay a deposit of $100.00 at each appointment. You would receive a statement from us for any balance due. The balance due would include the remaining cost of the office visit, laboratory tests, x-rays, immunizations and procedures. Our expectation is all balances are paid within sixty (60) from the date of service.

Broadway Medical Clinic looks forward to continuing our healthcare relationship with you. If you have other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.