Is your pre-teen or teen due for a visit?
Did you know? Only 1 in 3 Oregon adolescents go to the doctor for an annual visit. Summer is a great time to schedule a well-care visit for your teen.
What can you/they expect from your child’s visit to Broadway Medical Clinic? In addition to a physical exam and updated vaccinations, your teen or pre-teen will have an opportunity to talk privately with their Broadway physician about important physical and behavioral health topics.
Physical growth and development
Topics like oral health, body image, healthy eating, physical activity and sleep are a key part of your teen’s wellness visit.
Does your child call themselves a “night owl,” pull all-nighters, then sleep away a whole Saturday? The physical changes that occur during puberty play a big part in your child’s sleep and nutrition habits. Teens need extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal changes and organ development, including the brain.
Emotional well-being
Mood swings aren’t just a result of hormones; today’s teens are increasingly under pressure from school, peer groups, the exploration of romantic relationships, and added responsibilities at home.
It’s crucial that your child has the opportunity to share their feelings with a trusted adult and that they start to identify and practice good stress management skills early on.
Schedule an Appointment
At Broadway Medical Clinic, we are committed to supporting you and your young adult along their health journey. Visit our Provider page to learn more about our team, or contact us to schedule a teen health screening: 503-249-1900.